Workshop on cardiovascular diseases today

01 Feb, 2005

An eight-day workshop on "South Asian Cardiovascular Research Methodology" begins at the Aga Khan University on Tuesday. International experts on cardiovascular diseases are expected to impart comprehensive training to participants, mainly practising physicians, researchers and academicians. Cardiovascular diseases are currently among the leading causes of morbidity and deaths around the world. The treatment of cardiovascular diseases in general is not only inadequate but also prohibitively expensive.
Physicians are of the opinion that population-based strategies are effective in controlling and reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
These physicians are of the view that effective and comprehensive preventive programmes suited to our environment should be built.
They say that there is a dearth of cardiovascular research in developing countries.
According to the AKU, the workshop would equip participants with the latest in the cardiovascular research methodology.
The workshop is a joint exercise of the AKU, Pakistan Cardiac Society and Saarc Cardiac Society in collaboration with the WHO Collaborating Center, Pittsburgh, and University of Pittsburgh, USA.

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