China offers to modernise ginning and textile industry

01 Feb, 2005

Pakistan and Chine should exchange modern technology in cotton production, ginning and textile sector, besides introducing new virus and heat resistant varieties evolved by Chinese or Pakistani researchers in their country. This was stated by members of Chinese delegation Messers Sun Zhixin, Feng Gouguang, Tang Ching and Zha Aijun while delivering speeches at the reception hosted by the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA).
They said Pakistani ginners and textile millers should use such machinery that could give more qualitative production with less power consumption.
They said Pakistani farmers had set a record by producing about 15 million cotton bales and Pakistani cotton is popular in the world market due to its staple length.
They appreciated measures taken by the government of Pakistan for introducing contamination-free cotton. They said China itself was a biggest cotton-producing country.
Since Pakistan and China were close friends, both should exchange facilities and research work with each other to compete in the world market. They said China can help Pakistan in modernising its ginning and textile industry.
All China National Cotton Federation chief Sun Zhixin assured that China would meet its cotton requirement from Pakistan if needed and would help in strengthening Pakistani economically.
He said there were 10,000 ginning factories in China producing contamination-free cotton and we can't compromise on the standard and quality of the cotton. He said Pakistani textile millers and exporters should also not compromise on the standard.
In his welcome address, PCGA chairman Haji Muhammad Ibrahim said the association believed in regular efforts for upgrading standards and qualities of cotton. Now Pakistani cotton quoted in index 'A' in the international market due to the introduction of our cotton type T/1503 and T/1505.
He further said at various stages when different cotton varieties are introduced in Pakistan, we have tried to adjust our ginning methodology to get real characteristic results of those varieties.
Nowadays, ginning industry is passing through a machinery upgradation phase with the help of the government, as a result of which not only the energy will be saved but the quality of cotton would be further improved.
Malik Ghulam Mustafa Khandowa, Mian Tariq Javed, Mian Mehmood Ahmed, Haji Hafeez Anwar, Chaudhry Abdul Sattar, Haji Muhammad Akram, Haji Munawar Sadat, Khalil Khan Aliani, Shaikh Muhammad Ayub, Trading Corporation of Pakistan general-manager Mehboob Akhtar, PCGA secretary Muhammad Mehboob Alama also took part in discussion with the Chinese delegation.

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