Postponed Saarc summit had crucial agenda: foreign office

04 Feb, 2005

Foreign Office Spokesman Masood Khan on Thursday while terming the agenda of postponed 13th Saarc conference 'of great importance' said it was prepared keeping in view the need of the hour. Regional co-operation in poverty alleviation, trade, energy, information technology, communication and natural resources had to be discussed and finalised in the conference, Masood Khan told PTV by telephone from Bangladesh.
Pakistan had taken initiative to make the organisation more effective by putting forward some solid and practicable suggestions.
This particular session was to pave way in pulling out member states from paying just lip service, putting and moving them on the path of solid and practicable regional cooperation, he added.
Masood said India did not get the Conference postponed for the first time, it happened several times and then it had become 'the familiar pattern' for the member states.
He said member states of the organisation were of the view that the conference should not have postponed as the host country had made foolproof security arrangements for the participants.
After the change of government in Nepal there was uncertainty-like situation about holding of the summit which removed after the confirmation of Nepal's participation, the spokesman added.
He said repeated postponements of the Saarc Conference had affected its credibility and reputation. Now in the comity of nations the seriousness and ability of the organisation to promote regional cooperation was being suspected, he added.
Khan said being the Chairman of Saarc Pakistan had certain responsibilities adding in the coming days efforts would be made to tackle the situation so that it was not worsen more.
He added that Pakistan would play its role to make the Saarc a practical regional cooperation body in the contemporary world.
He said the member states would be consulted to fix new dates for the conference.

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