Weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks

05 Feb, 2005

Weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks as at the close of business on 19.January 2005.

All All
1 Demand Liabilities in Pakistan
i) Deposits (General) 1,079,768 1,077,217 2,551
ii) Deposits from banks 13,724 13,724 -
iii) Borrowings from banks
(other than 'Call Money') 42 42 -
iv) Other Demand Liabilities 59,868 53,082 6,786
2. Time Liabilities in Pakistan
i) Deposits (General) 1,055,359 1,042,877 12,482
ii) Deposits from banks 5,766 5,766 -
iii) Borrowings from banks 1,057 1,057 -
iv) Other Time Liabilities 24,046 22,364 1,682
3. Borrowings from the State Bank of Pakistan
i) Against Usance Bills - - -
ii) Against Promissory Notes 100,590 48,201 52,389
iii) Against Approved Securities 341 - 341
iv) Other Borrowings 75,271 60,539 14,732
4 Borrowings from banks abroad 9,001 8,994 7
5 Money at Call and
Short Notice in Pakistan 30,706 30,406 300
6 Capital (Paid-up) & Reserves 158,948 170,774 (11,826)
7 Other Liabilities
(Excluding Contra Items) 563,003 486,320 76,683
TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,177,490 3,021,363 156,127
1 Cash in Pakistan 33,133 33,013 120
2 Balances with
i) State Bank of Pakistan 157,437 156,555 882
ii) National Bank of Pakistan 4,176 3,857 319
iii) Other banks 23,054 7,548 15,506
3. Foreign Currency Notes & Coins on
Hand and balances with banks abroad
i) Foreign Currency held in Pakistan 7,748 7,742 6
ii) Balances with banks abroad 129,313 129,297 16
4. Money at Call and Short
Notice in Pakistan 30,586 30,586 -
5 Advances in Pakistan
i) Advances other than those to banks 1,526,471 1,427,308 99,163
ii) Advances to banks 127 117 10
6 Bills Purchased & Discounted
i) Inland bills 27,843 27,838 5
ii) Import bills 16,259 16,259 -
iii) Foreign bills
(excluding import bills) 62,075 62,259 54
7 Investment in Securities & Shares
i) Central Government Securities 204,299 201,457 2,842
ii) Provincial Govt. Securities 87 75 12
iii) Treasury Bills 280,438 279,843 595
iv) Other Approved Securities 14,733 14,726 7
v) Other Investments 124,311 123,475 836
8 Other Assets
(Excluding Contra Items) 441,743 408,940 32,803
8A. Advance Tax Paid 45,694 45,095 599
8B. Fixed Assets 47,963 45,611 2,352
TOTAL ASSETS 3,177,490 3,021,363 156,127

NOTES: No.1 The consolidated statement includes data relating to all commercial banks and specialised banks like (IDBP and ADBP etc) which are included in the list of scheduled banks maintained under sub-section (1) of Section 37 of the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956.
NOTES: No 2 The Statement does not include the figures of scheduled banks of Indian origin in Pakistan.
-- Includes un-appropriated Profit/Loss

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