CPP demands arrest of Captain Hammad

05 Feb, 2005

The Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) immediately demanded the arrest of Captain Hammad, withdrawal of all military, rangers and FC forces from Sui and Dera Bugti, allowing the Baloch people to decide about their resources and no more cantonments in Balochistan, said the spokesman of CPP, Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik in a well attended press conference here on Friday.
CPP strongly opposed military operation in Balochistan and demanded recognition of the basic rights of the people, including autonomy for the province and complete abolishment of the Sardari System. The spokesman of CPP in an emotional tone said that the country had been pushed to war because of the alleged gang-rape of a female doctor by army personnel.
Israelis may be blamed for every type of savagery under the sun but Palestinians have never charged Israelis sexually abusing their womenfolk.
What a coincidence; from lush Okara military farms in Punjab to coastal areas of Badin in Sindh, army is pitted against its own countrymen, trampling on them - literally. Only because of its insatiable greed, corporate interests and lust for political power, Pervez Musharraf and his general colleagues are putting the very existence of Pakistan on stake, Engineer Jameel vehemently stressed.
He said that the state institutions had neglected and marginalized the people of the province for decades and the military operation would increase their sense of deprivation and due to Balochistan's geo-strategic location, different multinational groups were trying to capture the province's resources.
He said the oppressed nations of the country were being force-fed the army's preferred definition of the "greater national interest" and this approach had destroyed the trust of the Baloch, Pukhtun, Punjabi, Sindhi, Siraiki and other oppressed nations in the government.
Engineer Jameel said the government had exploited Sui's gas for decades and was now trying to completely take over the resources of the province against the wishes of the people and the ordinary working Baloch was being denied the resources in the name of development (Gwadar port) and national security (military cantonments).
He disagreed with the aggressive tone of PONM and other nationalist leaders blaming Punjabi and Punjab province for depriving Baloch people of their legitimate rights. CPP sees no difference between the poor peasants and workers of Punjab, Balochistan, Sindh and NWFP.
CPP spokesman concluded that the Pakistani generals have turned whole Pakistan into a state of confusion and chaos. They have corrupted judges, attorneys, politicians, journalists and middle class elite. No one can stand up and challenge their illegal and immoral control over the state of Pakistan.
They can commit any crime in any part of Pakistan and get away with it without any retribution.
They illegally take over the country, hire attorneys on government expenses to represent them in courts and get their illegal and criminal acts legitimised. They buy politicians and journalists to strengthen their strangle-hold on the country.
In this environment only Baloch have dared to challenge the military establishment. They are openly telling general Musharraf to get off the back of Pakistan and set the country free.
Before Baloch, Bengalis challenged the military establishment. Since East Pakistan was a thousand miles away and Bengalis did not look like West Pakistanis, the military establishment preferred to let the East Pakistan go.
Can the military establishment afford to let Balochistan go too? Will Pakistanis witness another tragedy right in front of their eyes and let the khakis commit the crimes against Baloch that they committed against Bengalis?
Baloch are great people. They are proud of their golden traditions. Their conscience is alive and they have lions' heart in their bosoms. They will continue challenging the generals until they push them back to barracks.
Baloch' efforts will definitely pay off sooner or later. They will eventually succeed in restoring the honour of Pakistan by restoring constitutionalism, democracy and rule of law.
Baloch are great Pakistanis and they are hope for a free and democratic Pakistan.

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