Safe blood

05 Feb, 2005

Blood donors are unsung heroes who make a huge contribution in saving someone's life. For people who may have a friend or a family member in need, the blood available for transfusion is truly precious. A person who rolls his sleeve to give blood to help another life, no badge of service does he wear, he lives a 'Hero' unaware. According to experts, it is estimated that in Pakistan 1.5 million units of blood every year are required to replace blood loss for trauma victims as well as treatment of blood related diseases.
Some facts regarding blood donation are however, important to understand.
Safe blood: Blood that does not contain any virus, parasites, drugs, alcohol, chemical substances or other extraneous factors that may cause harm to the recipient is a safe blood.
Blood donation: Donating blood is completely safe. On the contrary, it has already been scientifically established that regular blood donation reduces chances of heart attacks. Therefore, one can donate blood without fear of any risk related in giving blood.
A person can donate blood once every three months. Mostly People are concerned that how long does it take for their body to replenish the blood they have donated. One must not fear of losing his/her blood as it is a natural process that the donor's body replenishes the fluid lost by donation in 24 to 48 hours. However, the reproduction of red blood cells is subjected to each individual's health.
Some people want to donate blood but do not know whether they are fit for donation or not. For their knowledge a person wanting to donate blood must be in good health and has not suffered from any recent serious illness.
-- A person is between 18-60 years of age;
-- Minimum haemoglobin level of 12g% for females and 12.5g% for males;
-- Weight at least 50 Kgs;
-- Temperature (oral) below 99 F;
-- Blood pressure above 100/60mmHg, below 200/100mmHg;
-- Pulse 60-100 per minute.
The donation of 350ml of blood is entirely painless and takes five minutes only. All donors must pass the physical examination prior to donation.
Who should not donate blood?: In order to save or help needy lives, it is very importanyt that the blood donor answer questions for donor selection honestly.
-- Persons who have used illegal intravenous drugs;
-- Persons who have received clotting factor concentrates;
-- Persons with a positive antibody test for HIV, Hepatitis 'B' or 'C';
-- Donors whose blood may carry living virus following a recent vaccination should not be accepted.
Mostly male volunteers donate blood as women usually have low haemoglobin level that is required to donate blood. As mostly women are anemic due to unbalanced diet and low nutrition value food.
It would be a generous act to come forward to offer the gift of life to those in need and encourage others to do the same. This precious gift is a small contribution for a person to make, but is truly a selfless act as most people do not realise the importance of blood until their friend or loved ones need it.
Let's make sure we have an adequate supply of blood available for all who need it. Please take a few moments of your time and give the 'Gift of Life' to your society.

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