Saudi Arabia to be approached for fixation of Umrah pilgrims quota

05 Feb, 2005

The Saudi government will be requested to fix the quota for Pakistani Umrah pilgrims monthwise for facilitating capacity planning by the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) to avoid any untoward incident and mismanagement. This was decided at a meeting of the committee, constituted to devise the mechanism and policy for Umrah tour operators and their registration, held in Islamabad last month.
According to details of the meeting, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Zakat and Ushr Secretary explained to the committee about the problems and difficulties being faced by the ministry in dealing with the Haj tour operators and the irregularities by them.
He expressed his concern over the substitution cases despite the bar code. The practice of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in issuance of visas on international passports, without the government's knowledge, was also a cause of concern to him.
He particularly made a reference to the gross violation of the Haj policy by the Haj tour operators by making a point that some operators extorted money from intending Hujjaj, but did not submit Haj application forms to the ministry.
Likewise, some operators did not refund the amount to their clients, which they took, and in some cases they did not get the entire Haj amount from the applicants, he added.
To put the cart on track, he proposed, the tour operators might be registered to deposit the Haj dues in an exclusive account head, to be maintained by the ministry for both the Haj and Umrah purposes, and no application would be entertained till the total amount was deposited in it to achieve a level of commitment.
Moreover, since licences were issued to such agents, who did not possess the requisite experience in the field, the Chairman suggested that if travel agents-cum-operators were encouraged to come forward in the business, it would be more prudent and advisable step.
The Tourism Department explained and clarified that though the credibility of the agents had been established by them, nevertheless, under Sub-section (c) of Section 5 of the Travel Agencies Act 1976, the responsibility rested with the Ministry of Religious Affairs to handle Umrah operation and regulate the activities connected therewith.
The members expressed their views on the agenda items and after developing a complete consensus, it was decided that:
-- The present practice regarding the Urmah pilgrims will continue till the new policy is finalised.
-- Copy of the undated Umrah policy of the Saudi government will be secured urgently and circulated to the members of the committee for formulating recommendations for parameters of the policy of Umrah before the next meeting. The recommendations so prepared by the members will be consolidated by the Committee's Secretary/member Dr Habib-ur-Rahman for placing before the committee in its next meeting.
-- There will be no separate Umrah passport and the Umrah performers will avail of the facility on the international passport.
-- The tour operators will be categorised in two categories; ie those dealing with both Haj and Umrah will be in category-I and those dealing exclusively with Umrah will be placed in category-II.
-- The status of tour operators will be of private limited companies or registered firms, while allocating quota to the firm the paid-up capital capability of it will be taken into account. The tour operators/travel agents, belonging to the IATA, will be exempted from being declared to be a private limited company as they maintain proper accounts, etc.
-- The tour operators will be given licences for Umrah initially for one year, which would be renewed for the next three years on the basis of their credibility and performance.
-- After developing the parameters of policy, the Saudi government will be requested to exempt the Pakistani Umrah pilgrims from the application of its policy.
-- The Ministry of Interior and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) will be associated in the last, after formulation of the final draft policy.
-- Complaints against the tour operators regarding Haj and Umrah will be heard by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Zakat and Ushr, and will not be sent to the Tourism Department.
-- Registration of non-IATA operators will be considered, after Umrah policy of the Saudi government is looked into.
-- Representative of the Travel Agents Association of Pakistan will provide copy of the Umrah policy of the Saudi government for consideration by the committee.

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