IDBP announces PLS profit rates

05 Feb, 2005

The Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP) has announced the following rates of profit on PLS deposits for six months period ended December 31, 2004.

Special Notice 7-29 days 1.50 On maturity
Special Notice 30 days and over 2.00 On maturity
Saving Bank Account 3.00 Half Yearly
Term Deposits (1 year and above
not exceeding 5 years)
On deposit upto 30-06-2003 7.00 Half Yearly
On deposit w.e.f. 01-07-2003 5.00 Half Yearly
Business Deposit Account
Upto Rs 100 Million 3.00 Half Yearly
Above Rs 100 Million upto 500 Million 3.25 Half Yearly
Above Rs 500 Million upto 750 Million 3.50 Half Yearly
Above Rs 750 Million upto Rs 1 Billion 3.75 Half Yearly
Above Rs 1 Billion 4.00 Half Yearly
Talimi Certificate (As per Scheme) 5.00 On maturity
Besh Baha Certificate (As per Scheme) 5.00 On maturity
I.S.S.C. (6 months as per Scheme) 5.00 On maturity
I.S.S.C. (3 years as per Scheme) 5.00 On maturity
M.M.C (1 year and above but
not exceeding 7 years)
On deposit upto 30-06-2003 7.00 Monthly
On deposit w e f 01-07-2003 5.00 Monthly
IDBP Deposit Certificates
(Not exceeding 5 years) 5.00 On maturity
Institutional Investment Scheme As per prevailing As per
This scheme has been designed market conditions agreed
for securing large from deposits depending upon terms
Corporate Clients/Autonomous size and maturity
Bodies/Semi Government and of deposits
other Public Sector Corporations

Note: Profit on deposit under TDR & MMC as on 30-06-2003 will be paid @ 7.00% p.a. However, on deposits under TDR & MMC mobilised w.e.f. 01-07-2003, profit rate will be applied @ 5.00% p.a.
MMC will include Cumulative MMC, Corporate MMC and Pension Investment Scheme.
Sale of Talimi/Besh Baha Munafa, Sanati Sarmaya Certificate, Profit Plus Saving Deposit and IDBP Deposit Certificate have since been suspended w.e.f. 1st March, 2002. However, encashment as per schedule is being carried out.-PR

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