Workshop suggests setting up of trauma centres

05 Feb, 2005

Speakers in a three-day workshop, referring to changing pattern of trauma in Karachi city and the Sindh province itself, underscored urgency for the provision of trauma centres in the province and the metropolis respectively. Submission was made during the inaugural session of the three-day Primary Trauma Care Workshop held at Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) here on Thursday in joint collaboration with Primary Trauma Care (PTC) Foundation UK and Primary Trauma Care Foundation Sindh Chapter.
According to a SIUT press release, the speakers also pointed out the need to train the doctors, nurses and paramedics at district level hospitals in basic trauma management, which consequently could contain the incidence rate of trauma induced morbidity and mortality.
The UK faculty of the workshop was said to comprise Dr James de Courcy, Dr Eamon McCoy and Dr John Beavis while PTC - Sindh chapter included Dr Rasheed Jooma, Dr Shariq Ali, Dr Manzoor Hussain, Dr K. Shibli, Dr A R Jamali, Dr Saeed Samo and others.
Professor Anwar Naqvi, in a largely attended workshop, presented the welcome address followed by series of lectures on wide range of topics related to trauma, besides on hand skill training, workshops and scenario demonstrations.
Speakers on the occasion reminded that trauma situation was said to be changing towards gunshot injuries, bomb blasts, road accidents, besides infrequent natural disasters not witnessed in the past.
A large number of doctors from Karachi and interior parts of Sindh province participated the workshop.

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