Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Friday lauded the services of the two journalists who rendered their lives in Wana, earlier this week. Allah Noor Wazir and Mir Nawab were killed following armed attack by unknown assailants and a condolence meeting was held at the local Bureau office of APTN to acknowledge the services of both the journalists.
Sheikh Rashid Ahmed expressing condolence and sympathies with the bereaved families said that the government as token of compensation to the bereaved families would announce a financial grant.
He said he would soon visit Peshawar to personally condole and exchange sympathies with both the bereaved families.
Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that an inquiry into the incident is being conducted and after completion of it findings this would be made public. He said this incident is of worst example of naked terrorism.
Eulogising the services of both deceased journalists, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed recalled that they contribute news items base on facts during the crucial days.
Bureau Chiefs APTN Andrew Drake and Aljazeera Ahmed Zaidan also spoke on the occasion and commended the role of deceased. Later, Fateha for the departed souls were offered.
The Minister also recorded his views in the visitors book whereby acknowledging the services of the deceased towards the just cause of journalism.