The Karachi Port handled 104,100 tonnes of cargo including 78,602 tonnes import and 25,498 tonnes export inclusive of 3,365 containers, during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Saturday. The cargo comprised of 49,555 tonnes dry cargo including 49,027 tonnes general cargo, 528 tonnes rice and 54,545 tonnes oil/liquid cargo. Three ships namely Wan Hai-266, Lauren and Eax Sanctity sailed out to sea during the report period.
Five vessels viz Westermuehien, United Prosperity, Wan Hai-266, Lauren and Takamar are currently at the berths.
Two ships namely Westermuehien and Sagamore expected to sail on Saturday, while two vessels viz United Prosperity and Thor Captain are expected to sail on Sunday.
Two vessels viz Sagamore and Capetan Tassos due to arrive on Saturday, while two ships namely Juiliata and Kota Indah are due to arrive on Sunday.
Three ships namely Bunga Kenari, Ever Gather and Eric G Gibson are due to arrive on Monday.