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New Turkish benchmark bond seen at 8.32pc

ISTANBUL: The Turkish Treasury's auction on Tuesday of its new July 17, 2013 benchmark bond was expected to produce a co

The survey also showed the compound yield in a tap of its June 4, 2014 fixed-coupon bond was seen at 8.57 percent.

Sales to the market, including non-competitive bid sales, were seen at 2.9 billion lira ($1.59 billion) for the new benchmark and 1.3 billion lira for the fixed-coupon bond.

Non-competitive net sales to primary dealers stood at 728.3 million lira for the benchmark out of bids of 14.567 billion lira and amounted to 350 million lira for the fixed-coupon bond out of bids of 700 million lira.

Forecasts for the benchmark bond were in a range of 8.25-8.40 percent for the yield and 2.5-3.5 billion lira sales.

Fixed-coupon bond forecasts ranged between 8.44-8.75 percent for the yield and 1.0-1.6 billion lira sales.

These two auctions constitute the treasury's borrowing programmme for October. The treasury said previously it would borrow 4.4 billion lira, of which 4.1 billion would borrowed from the market, in October, against redemptions of 5.22 billion lira.

At 0819 GMT, the current benchmark bond yield stood at 8.33 percent on the secondary debt market after the announcement of the non-competitive sales, compared with 8.34 percent on Monday.

Copyright Reuters, 2011

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