The death toll in Fata from devastating rains and snowfall has reached 42 with the highest toll of 12 in Khyber and 9 in Bajaur Agency. Forty-seven persons received injuries with 22 in Khyber and five in Bajaur Agency. The figures so far collected show that 328 houses and other buildings have totally demolished including a mosque and two piquet and more than 1319 others buildings damaged, mostly houses. The rains have also severely damaged the road network in different parts of Fata.
Meanwhile, the political administrations, on the directives of NWFP Governor Lieutenant General Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah (Retd) have accelerated the relief and rescue operations in the rain-affected areas.
Relief goods including blankets, quilts, edibles and other items of daily-use are being dropped from helicopters in certain inaccessible areas.