"I was amazed at these designations."
"Well if you have a referendumed government then you need to keep many, many people happy and others you need to keep to do your dirty work..."
"I suppose the people who need to be kept happy are the politicians and the dirty work is done by the advisors."
"So we have an advisor on economic affairs."
"Yes considering that the Minister of Finance was elevated through a referendum to become the Prime Minister..."
"He was not! He was elected."
"Don't get huffy with me, my friend. The Chosen One was chosen by President Musharraf and then there was a referendum within the PML Lota party and need I add he won the post unanimously, I mean his approval rating in the referendum was even greater than the one that Musharraf won."
"Ah yes, but he went to the Lota assembly while Musharraf went to the people, if you know what I mean."
"Yes I do. Anyway we have several advisors. Sharifuddin Pirzada is the advisor on Foreign Affairs, Justice and Law."
"I understand law but not quite justice."
"You will if you ask the question justice for whom."
"I get it. But I also don't understand what makes him capable of giving advice on foreign affairs."
"Ah that silly topic. I mean even our very own Kasturi doesn't have a clue about our foreign policy. That remains with Musharraf and his band of merry generals. So lets just say it looks a nicer designation if you add it."
"Maybe it entitles him to foreign trips and that is why he accepted the post."
"Maybe, but to be fair I never heard of him going abroad with Kasturi or Musharraf or even the Chosen One. All I ever heard of is his input into constitutional amendments and he has been doing that for a lot of people. I believe he even did it for President Zia."
"See the army has good politicians, good administrators, good people to manage us civilians as a general rule but no lawyers."
"So I guess your advice to our children is join the army or become a lawyer."