The Karachi Port handled 88,124 tonnes of cargo including 68,243 tonnes import and 19,881 tonnes export inclusive of 3,911 containers, during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Wednesday. The cargo comprised of 63,124 tonnes dry cargo including 44,903 tonnes general cargo; 5,562 tonnes fertilizer; 165 tonnes SB Meal; 12,493 tonnes rice and 25,000 tonnes oil/liquid cargo. Five ships namely Bunga Kenari, Ever Gather, Induruwa Valley, Takamar and Eric G Gibson sailed out to sea during the report period.
Five vessels viz Anjum, MT Johar, Oranje, Apl Orchid and Cape Ferro are currently at the berths.
Two ships namely Cape Ferro and Oranje expected to sail on Wednesday, while three vessels viz Jade Trader, Apl Cairo and MT Johar are expected to sail on Thursday.
Two vessels viz YM Fortune and Chitral due to arrive on Wednesday, while six ships namely Corinthiakos, Kota Merdesa, Golden Express, Budia Men, Lalazar and TMM Hidalgo are due to arrive on Thursday.