Film actor Safirullah, popularly known as Lehri, has said that he is thankful to present government and particularly Sindh Governor Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan who remembered him at the time of need. "There was a time when my admirers used to queue up outside my house to meet me, but now I am alone," Lehri said, but added that Governor Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad twice visited his house, consoled him and extended the financial help.
He said the Governor also invited him to Governor House and kept sending his staff to meet him.
The Governor delivered a cheque of Rs 0.3 million to Lehri at his residence through Home Minister Rauf Ahmed Siddiqi on Wednesday night. Only three days back the Governor met Lehri and had assured him all possible help and assistance for his treatment.
The Home Minister inquired from Lehri about his welfare and assured full support saying that he is not alone.