Acting Prime Minister Azad Jammu Kashmir, Syed Mumtaz Gilani has welcomed the decision for starting Muzaffarabad-Srinagar bus service, saying this would pave way for better ties between two countries and towards the peaceful solution of long standing dispute of Kashmir. He termed this a breakthrough and positive development for the peaceful solution of long-standing dispute of Kashmir.
Talking to APP, Gilani said Kashmiris and Kashmiri leadership across the line of control (LoC) would get an opportunity to meet each other, which he said, would create an atmosphere for the development of consensus for any possible and amicable solution to the Kashmir dispute.
AJK Acting premier said this also depicted the success of the on going peace process and CBMs as the matters were heading towards the right direction, he added.
He termed it the success of their principled stand saying "this is in fact and of course a historical decision and positive development for the solution of long standing dispute".