A renowned female parliamentarian and a leader of Pakistan People's Party Begum Nadira Khakwani (79) laid to rest on Friday. She has been died after protracted illness on Thursday night. She was mother of Mrs Beelum Hasnain provincial president of PPP (women wing). She remained member of National Assembly during Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era and senator during Benazir Bhutto regime. Her Namaz-i-Janaza was largely attended by the politicians, social workers, lawyers, doctors and elite of the city.
She was laid to rest in graveyard of Hassan Parwana while her funeral prayers were offered at SP chowk. In their condolence message to Mrs Beelum Hasnain, Begum Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari expressed their grief and sorrow on sad demise of Begum Nadira Khakwani and both paid rich tributes to her for her services rendered for the cause of the democracy and the party.