Need stressed for Pak-India cargo shipping service

09 Mar, 2005

Indian shipping company, Shehree Shipping Limited General Manager V.K. Singh on Tuesday stressed upon the need to start full-fledged cargo service between India and Pakistan, besides ferry service for passengers. While talking to Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) President Khalid Feroz, he said that there is no restriction on cargo shipping service between India and Pakistan, but this service failed to succeed due to low cargo volume.
He informed the KCCI members that he has obtained permission from Pakistan Shipping and Ports director general that Indian flagships can lift cargo for Pakistan from Sri Lanka. However, so far, the competent authority has not issued any notification.
Khalid assured him that the KCCI would take up the matter with the Shipping and Ports Ministry to allow lifting of cargo from third country for Pakistan by Indian flagships so that shipping service between both the countries could become feasible.

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