'Training to bring change in bureaucracy culture'

10 Mar, 2005

Professional training will bring positive change in the attitude of government servants and the culture of bureaucracy, said Punjab Minister for Management and Professional Development Department Hassan Akhtar Mokal. Addressing the concluding session of the training of services and general administration department (S&GAD) Assistants, arranged by the department here on Wednesday, he said regular training of officials was necessary to bring about desired reforms, according to a handout here on Wednesday.
He said an eight-week training course had been made compulsory for the promotion of officers in the Punjab Government. He said revolutionary steps were necessary to eliminate traditional image of negativity and lethargy associated with the bureaucracy, which could be achieved through conducting continuous training programmes for the officers.
The minister said his department served as a think tank to consider ways for improving the system and getting maximum positive output from government officials at various levels.
Later, he awarded certificates to the participants of the training course.

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