Muzaffargarh police on Saturday detained eight people as a preventive measure to avoid threat to the life of rape victim Mukhtaran Mai and her family at Meerwala village of Tehsil Jatoi, district Muzaffargarh. The persons including Muhammad Aslam, Khalil Ahmad, Ghulam Hussain, Huzoor Bakhsh, Rasool Bakhsh, Allah Ditta, Qasim and Nazar Hussain were taken into police custody after brother of Mukhtaran Mai filed application that they pose threat to the life of his sister and other family members, SDPO Jatoi Sardar Iqbal Khan told APP.
They are the accused of Meerwala rape case who were acquitted by the trial court, the Anti Terrorism Court Dera Ghazi Khan, which had awarded death sentence to other six accused of the case in 2002.
We have sent a request to home department to issue detention order of these eight people, the SDPO added.