Export Promotion Bureau has received the following Tenders, interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details of Tenders from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
Applications are invited by the Export Promotion Bureau from well-established contractors/firms registered with PEC in category C-i (no-limit) in the relevant category to pre-qualify for carrying out the work of center air-conditioning of Exhibition Halls No 5&6 at Karachi Expo Centre Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi.
The halls may be inspected with prior appointment with Mr. Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, Deputy Director EPB Karachi. The applicants should have experience of working on large air-conditioning projects with chillers cooling towers and total loads exceeding 600 tons.
Interested contractors/firms should send their applications with the following details, addressed to Project Manager, National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited (NESPAK), 11th Floor, PNSC Building M.T Khan Road, Karachi.
DATE: March 25, 2005.
The applicants are required to furnish the following information:
1. Name & address of the Company.
2. Status of firm (whether sole proprietorship, partnership or a limited company) duly verified by the Registrar.
3. Name of Principal Personnel.
4. List of technical staff alongwith their qualifications and experience.
5. Proof of permanent employment of technical staff for the last two years.
6. List of machinery and equipment with proof of ownership.
7. List of works of similar nature completed during the last five years and list of works in hand alongwith the following informations:
I). Name of work and location
ii). Scope of work
iii). Client
iv). Consultant/Architect
v). Year started, duration of contract, year of completion or % of completion,
vi). Approximate Cost.
8. Bankers certificate showing credit worthiness of the firm.
9. Clearance certificate from Income Tax Department.
10. An affidavit to the effect that the firm has not been black listed by any government/autonomous body.
11. Details of litigation, if any in which the firm has been involved during any work.
12. Copy of the Registration Certificate with the Pakistan Engineering Council in Category C-i in the relevant category (no limit).
All information supplied shall be verifiable duly supported by copies of relevant documents, letters, certificates etc.
Information supplied without relevant supporting documents shall not be considered for evaluation purposes.
Export Promotion Bureau reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application(s) without assigning any reasons thereof.
Riaz Ahmed Sheikh Deputy Director (Expo Centre) Partners in Prosperity Export Promotion Bureau, Block A, 5th Floor, Finance & Trade Centre Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi-Pakistan Ministry of Commerce, Government of PAKISTAN.
Tel: 9206487-91, 9206471, iii 444111
Fax: (92-21), 9206473