America brutally occupied Iraq for having, as yet to be found, weapons of mass destruction. Now, Bush looks eastwards as America builds a case against Iran for possibly having nuclear fuel for weapons of mass destruction. And the next in line, if only geographically for now at least, is Pakistan, a confirmed nuclear power.
Though we've been told repeatedly by General Musharraf to keep our heads down to avoid being targeted by America, as time goes by this sounds more and more like waiting in line for our turn.
The time is now for Muslims to make an unified stand against America's ever expanding crusade and end all political and military support for her brutal aggression.
Now, although some may still regard Muslims unifying as an almost impossible dream, I believe that the impending nightmares justify our efforts in this direction. I am encouraged from my time in medical school, when I came across students from both Iran and Iraq at the time of the first Gulf War in 1991.
When America attacked Iraq, I heard first hand that the Muslims of Iran had opened their own houses for the refugees from Iraq, despite the fact that Iran and Iraq had themselves fought a terrible war against each other for a decade.
And as time has gone by the desire amongst the Muslim populace for Muslims to stand together, regardless of their school of thought or race, has only increased.
It is my earnest prayer to Allah the Almighty that we are relieved of the Terrance rulers that have divided us before our enemies for so long, so that we can emerge as a single powerful people, unified by Islam.