Prices moved both ways on the grain market on Monday in the process of trading, dealers said. Most of the changes were seen on the seed side, where rapeseed Mirpurlane (both types) posted fresh gain of Rs 20 at Rs 750-760, dealers said. Rapeseeds cakes picked up Rs 10 to Rs 280-282 on improved demand, they added. Til new better type lost Rs 25 to Rs 1750, while the inferior type did not show any change at Rs 1600 amid modest trading, they said.
On the cereals side, wheat Mexipak new registered at Rs 1060, while the old quality did not show any change at Rs 1130 due to balanced demand and supply position, dealers said.
Guwar maintained a firm trend, picking up Rs25 to Rs 1710-1845 for all stations. Other items held their overnight levels.
On the rice sector, the Irri-white, after maintaining a stable trend drifted lower by Rs 5 to Rs 1165-1175 on fresh arrivals, dealers said.