Sialkot police have assured the father of Nazish, a Second Year student of a local college, that her case would be settled on the basis of merit. This was stated by Asghar Ali Bhatti, father of Nazish, while addressing a press conference on Saturday night in a local hotel. The District Police Officer (DPO) Sialkot, Usama Mumtaz Raja, had also held out an assurance that day-to-day investigation would be carried out aimed at providing speedy justice to the affected persons. Asghar Ali Bhatti expressed his full satisfaction over the assurances of the local police and said that the DPO had promised to arrest all the persons involved in the Nazish rape case. Besides, there would be no harassment or raid would be conducted.
The DPO Sialkot had also ordered departmental inquiry against the police officials for expediting the investigation.
Asghar Ali Bhatti along with Muhammad Azeem Noor Ghumman, Chairman Punjab Public Accounts Committee, and others had a meeting with the District Police Officer Sialkot in which the DPO promised to provide complete justice to Nazish.