Export Promotion Bureau has received the following International Tenders from abroad. Interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details of Tenders from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
Closing Date: 6/1/05
M/s. Cosmos Stars Ltd, Eng. Joseph BUNNI, Director General, 39 Chestnut Avenue Southsea, Hampshire PO4 8AB-UNITED KINGDOM.
Telephone: 023 92730140, +4423 92730140
Mobile: 07742216296, +447742216296
Fax: 023 92730119, +4423 92730119
Email: joe.bunni@cpbbflex.co.uk
a) Cargo terminal operations at King Hussein International Airport.
b) Aqaba container logistics part joint venture.
Closing Date: 5/14/05
Aqaba Development Corporation
Fax: 962-3-203-9110
Email: containervillage@adc.jo