Minister for State for Railways Ishaq Khan Khakwani has said that steps are underway to make rail journey safe, comfortable and swift, apart from improving track, coaches and signal system. He stated this while addressing a 50-member delegation of under training officers of the Pakistan Administrative Staff College here on Tuesday. Khakwani maintained that railway had completed many projects during last few years and various projects were near to completion. He said that Karachi circular railway system had been restored in very short span of time and opened for the masses. 'Work had also been started for restoration of Khokharapar-Monabao Railway track', he added.
General Manager PR, Abdul Wahab Awan told the delegation that railway had made visible development in different sectors in the recent past and it was also running its freight service between Karachi-Lahore-Karachi in minimum possible than road transport. He said that all the Divisional Superintendents had been asked to submit monthly report regarding track health.
Additional General Manager Freight Khawaja Nazir Ahmad, Additional General Manager Mushtaq Ahmad Khan and others also brief the delegation members.
The delegation also visited Central Control Office and Railway Reservation offices during its visit to Railways Headquarters.