Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited (Nespak) has been appointed consultants to carry out planning studies and engineering design of three industrial estates in Kabul. The project is sponsored by the Afghan Investment Support Agency (AISA), Ministry of Commerce, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. According to a spokesman of the Nespak, it has secured this project through an open competition, participated by a number of international consultancy firms from a number of countries.
The proposed industrial estates are located at Sinjet Dara, Kanari and Deh Sabz, which are spread over an area of 110 ha, 120 ha and 750 ha, respectively. The proposed estates include food processing industries at Sinjet Dara, leather, shoes, carpets, rugs and handicraft industries at Kanari and construction material production and construction industry at Deh Sabz. The development of these estates will provide quality infrastructure in and around Kabul and will give boost to the economy of Afghanistan.