Bait-ul-Maal department budget to be enhanced

07 May, 2005

Punjab Bait-ul-Maal Minister, Chaudhry Muhammad Ijaz Shafi has said that the budget of Bait-ul-Maal department would be enhanced by three times from next fiscal year whereas grants to the needy people and educational stipend had already been doubled by the present government. He expressed these views while addressing a departmental meeting here on Friday in which six months progress of the department was reviewed. He said that poverty alleviation was the top most priority of the government and it wanted to rehabilitate the poor people on permanent basis.
"About Rs 70 million has been distributed among the 16,070 needy people during the last six months whereas Rs 44 million had already been provided to the Chairmen of District Bait-ul-Maal Committees for the further distribution among the poor and deserving people," he added.
According to him, transparency was being ensured in the distribution of funds to the needy people. On the directions of the Punjab Chief Minister only poor and destitute persons were now benefiting from this amount whereas these funds were used for political purposes in the past. He said that the amount of the grant for dowry, education stipend and medical treatment had been doubled whereas it would also be enhanced by next fiscal year.

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