Lectures arranged on corporate image, cyber branding

07 May, 2005

MDS, the management development business unit of TCS, the leading logistics solutions provider of Pakistan and ABC Namebank International of Toronto, an internationally recognised consultancy on corporate image, name identity and cyber branding, have agreed to arrange a series of lectures and management development programmes in Pakistan. According to a press release issued here on Friday, the first full day conference of this series will be taking place on Friday May 20, 2005 at a hotel in Karachi, under the banner of "Corporate Image and Global Cyber-Branding Challenges". Marketing Association of Pakistan (MAP) has endorsed the event. The event is being sponsored by Dawood Group.
The initiative has been taken on national basis, designed to assist local corporations poised for regional expansion in developing a finer understanding on how to apply the latest branding tools and capture global responsibility of their corporate image and brand name identification in the foreign markets.
Announcing this initiative, Naseem Javed, the CEO of ABC Namebank, said "This country is exploring with bright ideas, innovations and entrepreneurial spirits. If only captured properly and professionally for global marketing, it will change the image of the entire landscape."
"We have sought the best expertise from the world and take pride in being able to offer this rare opportunity to the local business establishments of Pakistan, empowering them to be able to compete with international brands through refined and improved branding," said Hamza Hashmi of TCS-MDS.
Under the umbrella of Global Cyber-Branding University platform, this lecture series and management development programme is designed by Naseem Javed, who is internationally recognised as the authority on Corporate Image and Cyber Branding and the author of "Naming of Power".-PR

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