Russian weekly grain market report

10 May, 2005

Russian grain markets lacked lustre in the week between holidays with most cereal prices declining by just 20-50 roubles per tonne on average. Only sunseed prices strengthened after a period of stability, traders said. Third class wheat prices eased insignificantly supported by stable fourth class wheat prices and demand from several large exporters. Some market participants expect fourth class wheat prices to rise in some exporting regions for a short period of time, as some large traders will be looking for supplies to honour their contracts.
Milling rye prices were unchanged.
Feed wheat prices were generally stable with the sole exception of North Caucasus, where most exporters lowered bid prices to 2,400-2,450 roubles.
Feed barley prices declined in most regions led by North Caucasus. Some traders believe that the fall will slow down shortly in the south of the country due to rising exporters' demand, possibly linked to an Israeli purchase tender.
Sunoil prices were down slightly, essentially due to lower offer prices declared by crushers in North Caucasus.
Sunseed prices became stronger after an increase of bid prices by various oil crushers.

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