The Sindh government on Wednesday in its cabinet meeting will consider legislation to ban sale and use of Gutka in the province. Syed Sardar Ahmed on Tuesday during question hour told parliamentarians that the use of Gutka could not be checked through simple instruction and it was time to take seriously. Sindh Chief Minister Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim in a written reply to a question from Assardas told the House that the Sindh home department had already submitted a case regarding imposition of ban on the sale of Gutka in Sindh.
Replying on behalf of the chief minister to a supplementary question provincial Finance Minister Syed Sardar Ahmed gave details of registered pharmacists as had been appointed in each district, civil and taluka hospitals.
He said that till 1994, 17 pharmacists were appointed in the then 17 districts and no appointment could be made thereafter because of ban on appointments.
He said that only 17 pharmacists were working against the sanctioned strength of 22. Five vacant vacancies would be filled soon as the ban had been lifted. He said that seven more vacancies had been created as a few more districts had been created.
Ahmed said that the posts of pharmacists were technical and therefore no transfers could be made in normal circumstances.
Replying to strong criticism that came from the opposition the minister said that reorganisation of the health department was on the cards and it would be done to provide better medical facilities to the people who were still in need of it.
To another question from Nasreen Chandio the chief minister had stated that three BPS-20 doctors were working as EDOs (Health) in different districts whereas in the remaining district BPS-19 officers were posted as EDOs (Health). To a supplementary question Syed Sardar Ahmed on behalf of the chief minister said that vacant posts would be filled in due course of time for which interviews were being held.