Sindh Finance Minister Syed Sardar Ahmed on Tuesday said that a section of the press has published his statement in a misleading manner about the National Finance Commission (NFC) as he would still persist that the Sindh government wanted the NFC on multiple criterion basis. He said that there was no change in the stand of the provincial government and it would never give it up. He was speaking at the floor of the Sindh Assembly on a point of order clarifying his position. The Sindh Assembly met here on Tuesday with Speaker Syed Muzaffar Hussein Shah in the chair.
The emotionally charged assembly also strongly condemned Washington for its publication of a cartoon that hurt feelings of Pakistanis. A resolution jointly moved by the treasury member Mohammed Hussein and Leader of the Opposition Nisar Ahmed Khuhro and Nasrullah Shajih was unanimously carried by the House.
The resolution had urged upon the Sindh government to approach the federal government and protest with the US government on the issue.
The resolution said that this House strongly condemns the publication of a derogatory cartoon ridiculing Pakistan in Washington Post. The government of Sindh was requested to approach the federal government to take up the issue with the US government and demand an unqualified apology from the said newspaper.
The removal of encroachment remained a controversial issue among the MPAs and there were allegation and counter allegation on the issue. However, a joint resolution came to the rescue of the Sindh Assembly as the members had begun to lose their temper defending their political interest.
The unanimous resolution passed called for non-demolition of sanctioned and non-sanctioned Goths in the province.
The resolution was jointly moved by Makhdoom Jamiluzzaman and Maulana Umer Sadiq from the opposition and Mohammed Hussein from the treasury called for the discontinuation of Goth removal campaign.
It would be pertinent to recall that Sindh Home Minister Rauf Siddiqui on Monday had said that no sanctioned Goth (village) was being removed. However Siddiqui said that he was still against the land mafia and would continue to fight against them.