Punjab Chief Minister, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has directed that PML mass contact campaign should be made more effective for accelerating the pace of membership process of the party. While talking to members of national and provincial assemblies of Gujranwala district, here on Wednesday, the chief minister said that a comprehensive programme is being implemented for improving water supply and sanitation system as well as infrastructure development in all cities of the province. He said PML is playing a historic role for strengthening of parliamentary democratic system in the country and promotion of national integrity and implementation of public welfare programmes were the pivot of its policies.
He said PML had introduced revolutionary reforms in health, education, agriculture and other sectors, in the light of its manifesto, for improving socio-economic conditions of the masses and due to positive thinking and public service, PML is gaining rapid popularity.
He stressed upon assembly members to play their due role for reorganisation of the party at every level. He said the government was paying due attention for the protection of the rights of the minorities and is promoting a culture of tolerance and accommodation in the country.
He also ordered immediate measures for the construction of Peoples Colony underpass in Gujranwala, improvement of water supply and sanitation system as well as repair and reconstruction of roads in the city.