A 21-year-old Sajid Ali, arrested in a murder case, was allegedly killed in Macchiwal police custody on Wednesday. Reportedly, Muhammad Ajmal was shot and killed by unidentified robbers earlier, but his parents registered the case of his murder against Sajid Ali, who was taken by police into custody for interrogation and he died. Muhammad Khalid, elder brother of Sajid Ali and police constable, said that his brother was taken into custody on May 16 by the Macchiwal (Vehari) Police involving him in a murder case of one Muhammad Ajmal Awan.
During nine consecutive days interrogation, the police gave him severe beating and he was unable to stand on his feet and died on May 25.
While the police claimed that they had arrested the accused Sajid on May 25 and he was suffering from abdominal pain.
"We had shifted him to hospital after his cry of pain where he died," Sub Inspector Police Haq Nawaz claimed.
Robbers killed Muhammad Ajmal Awan in a bid of resistance over snatching his motor cycle two week ago. Sajid Ali left home to proceed to Lahore on May 16 and when he reached general bus stand he was caught by Ajmal Awan's relatives and handed him over to police in the murder case.
Initial post-mortem report revealed that he was tortured to death as many scars of torture were found on his body.