Chief minister, Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim said here on Thursday that the federal government and GHQ have approved the Khokhrapar road project and soon the construction work would start. Talking to the newsmen at Haider Farm, the home village of speaker, Sindh Assembly, Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah, the chief minister said that a new era of progress and prosperity for Umerkot and Tharparkar districts would usher as the opening of Khokhrapar-Monabao route would generate tremendous economic activities. To a question, Arbab Rahim said that schedule of local bodies elections is expected to be announced after presentation of annual budget.
Chief minister said he believes in clean politics and always avoids vengeful acts. " I do not believe in political victimisation," he said.
The chief minister announced a grant of Rs 100,000 for Umerkot Press Club and approval of Journalist colony.