Two government officials have been arrested with bribe money in separate raids by the Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) teams, ACE sources told newsmen on Tuesday. Asmatullah of Layyah reported to the establishment that Abdul Ghaffar, clerk, district accounts office Layyah had allegedly received Rs 1500 for preparation of his pension book. He was caught red-handed when he took Rs 500 more and the tainted currency notes were recovered from him by the ACE raiding magistrate.
Javed Mumtar of DG Khan informed the establishment that Maqsood Ahmed, senior clerk, office of the DDOR (land) for Kuchhi canal, allegedly extorted Rs 35,000 in bribe for payment of his land acquired by the government for digging the Kuchhi canal. The said clerk allegedly took Rs 5000 more for one voucher for a piece of land and was nabbed with the tainted money in his possession.