For the next fiscal year 2005-06, the government expects to receive a financial assistance of about Rs 213 billion (including Rs 180 million non-development grants) from various countries and donor agencies. According to break up, Rs 190.39 billion would be provided, as loans while Rs 22.61 billion would come through grants. After presentation of federal budget for FY 2005-04, these 'Estimates of Foreign Assistance' were made available here on Monday.
However, it reveals, among all donor agencies and countries, Asian Development Bank (ADB) is expected to provide a big assistance of Rs 51.25 billion which comprises Rs 51.21 billion loans and Rs 44 million grant.
After ADB, the government expects Rs 47.21 billion from International Development agency (IDA), which include Rs 47.03 billion loans and Rs 176.57 million grant. It was followed by Islamic Development bank (IDB) with a loan worth Rs 32.15 billion.
However, among all the donor countries, the United States of America (USA) was the main lending country expected to provide Rs 13.15 billion grants followed by Japan, with Rs 9.296 billion including Rs 7.2 billion loans and Rs 2.09 billion grants. Besides, China is expected to provide Rs 5.285 billion loans.