The government is expecting Rs 194.762 billion as non-tax revenue during 2005-06, of which Rs 120.383 billion would come from property and enterprises. According to budget estimates 2005-06, profit from Pakistan Post Office has been projected at Rs 21 million, from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Rs 16.252 billion, interest from provinces Rs 22.640 billion, interest on PSE and others Rs 28.496 billion and dividends Rs 52.968 billion.
The government is also expecting Rs 33.080 billion as receipts from civil and other functions, i.e. general administration, SBP profits, defence, law and order, community services.
From the general administration, the government has projected receipts of Rs 2.050 billion, Rs 18 billion from SBP profits and Rs 12.127 billion from defence, against revised estimates of Rs 61.383 billion for the outgoing fiscal year. Law and order would generate Rs 183 million, community services Rs 410 million and social services Rs 310 million.
In miscellaneous receipts, Rs 2.059 billion is expected from economic services, and Rs 5.529 billion from oil royalty, against current year''''s revised estimates of Rs 5.588 billion and budget estimates of Rs 3.963 billion.
Gas royalty would also be raised by 11.2 percent, to Rs 14. 323 billion for 2005-06, against the revised target of Rs 12.714 billion during the outgoing fiscal year.
The income on passports and copyright fees is expected to go up by 8.65 percent, to Rs 5.2 billion, against revised estimates of Rs 4.750 billion, while income from other services is estimated at Rs 14.189 billion, against Rs 13.605 billion revised estimates for 2004-05.