Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has announced that the provincial budget for the next financial year would be a tax-free budget so that no additional burden be transferred to the citizens. Delivering his pre-budget address at a crowded news conference here, on Tuesday, the Chief Minister flanked by some members of his cabinet and administrative secretaries, held out a firm promise that his government would crack down on hoarding and profiteering to ease the burden of price hike on the citizens.
During his address, the Chief Minister mentioned several socio-economic sectors in which his government had gained notable achievements during the 2004-05 financial year while reaffirming that the development growth would be sustained in the next year as well with special focus on less developed areas with particular reference to Southern Punjab.
As a measure of reducing the impact of high prices of food items and other utilities of common use, the Chief Minister announced that the pay raise given by the federal government in budget 05-06 would also be given to all the government employees in the Punjab.
He also expressed the hope that the private sector would follow the lead to improve the salary structure of its employees so that the citizens are provided with the desired relief.
"Notwithstanding our achievements I am of the view that we have to travel on a hard and difficult path to achieve our goals," said Ch Pervaiz Elahi.
He resolved to assist the federal government in combating the problem of inflation, which has made life difficult for the citizens.