The City District Government Karachi (CDGK) has started work on Rs 40 million project to install modern technology streetlights at Sharae Faisal, which would be completed in three months time in four stages. City Nazim Naimatullah Khan laid the foundation stone here at Awami-Markaz, Shahrae Faisal on Thursday. He said on the occasion said with installation of powerful streetlights, Shahrae Faisal would have a better look and put good impression on the guests as it is a VIP movement area.
Naimatullah said that before the CDGK was formed, the maximum budget of 'Baldia' was 4 billion, whereas the current budget of the CDGK had increased to Rs 42 billion. This budget increase was due to the satisfactory performance of the City Government, as could be analysed with the fact that the CDGK revenue increased with every passing year.
Phillips Company Director, Ather Bukhari in his briefing on the occasion said that the lights installed on 447 poles would last for the period of twelve years and would be provided power connection through boring system instead of digging roads.