At least nine persons were killed while 11 others wounded, when an armed group opened fire upon their rivals at the court of additional sessions judge, Muzaffar Hussain in Khariyan on Thursday. According to reports, Kaloo Dhenda group and Chaudhry Abbas group of nearby village Warrenchawala had 4-year old rivalry over certain murders.
Two years back, another person of Chaudhry Abbas group was murdered and the case was registered against the Kaloo Dhenda group in which its members were sentenced to death.
On Thursday, Chaudhry Abbas was present at the court in Khariyan along with his group members for hearing when their rivals came in two vehicles and opened fire, killing six persons on the spot. Eleven others were injured out of them, three died at the hospital.
The deceased were identified as Aslam, Afzal, Baqi Khan, Gulzar Ahmed s/o Allah Dita, Chaudhry Khan Muhammad, Madad Ali, Farman Ali, Ilyas and Haider Abbas. While Nasir, Noor Zaman, Afzal s/o Khadim, Javed Iqbal and Rukhsar Ahmed are in serious condition at combined military hospital. Heavy contingents of police had reached at the site and cordoned the area but the accused made their escape good.