There is no need to mention how important is power in he existence of human development. The dearth of costly power supply is telling very badly on the informal sector, domestic efficiency and over all national output and production.
At this stage thank God the President and Prime Minister have fully realised the gravity of the situation. The AEDB is struggling hard to establish wind farms capable of producing more than 150 MGWT of electricity through windmills.
Again it is encouraging to note that 22 investors are ready to invest about 80 million dollars for installing 50 MGWT wind generators farms. So they require durability and safety guarantee for their investment. How will find their investment be secure and premium-giving in a payback time of only 10 years on a leased piece of land.
The Sindh government must consider this issue reasonable and sympathetically and allow the land lease to the investors for 90 years.