Export Promotion Bureau has received the following Trade Enquiries from abroad. Interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
1. Hexance - 60 Ton (To be used as a Solvent in the spice extraction process)
2. Acetone - 60 Ton (To be used as a Solvent in the spice extraction process)
3. Methanol - 60 Ton
(To be used as a Solvent in the spice extraction process)
Tradesmen Engineering PLC, Shuja Ar Rahman, Addis Ababa - ETHIOPIA
Telephone: 251 1 62 88 07
Mobile: 251 9 466 735
Fax: +251 1 62 88 08
Email: shuja2@cyber.net.pk
Raw Material, Raw Cotton Rice, Peas, Henna, Anise, Sun Flower, Peanuts, Kidney Beans, Broad Beans, Esparto, Super Kernels, Sesame, Caraway, Carkadey, Coriander, Fennel and Vegetables.
Benha Cotton Trading & Agricultural Crops (EL ATTAR), El Nile Street El Attar Villa, benha El Kalubeya. EGYPT
Telephone: (2013)3260137-3257718, 3252069, 3253778, 3252050
Fax: (2013)3260693-3252362 OR 29 Abdel reheem sabri streets El Dokki -El Giza,
Telephone: 20748328
Fax: 202- 3379028 OR 2 Adeeb Street El manshaya square Alexandria
Tel: 20304876417
Fax: 203- 4856338