The Union of Small & Medium Enterprises (Unisame) delegation was invited by SGS Pakistan (Private) Limited to a luncheon meeting to discuss pre-shipment inspection (PSI) of textiles, commodities, agricultural produce items, chemicals and fumigation of cargo and certifications.
The delegation was headed by Unisame president Zulfikar Thaver and was received by Syed F. Mazhar, managing-director, SGS Pakistan. Anjum I. Varsy, director operations, agri, introduced Unisame team to Mazhar Iqbal Shaikh, certification manager, S.M. Naushad Zafar, department head, fumigation and hygiene, and Shahnawazullah Khan, manager, oil, gas and chemical services.
Anjum I. Varsy informed the delegation that to meet challenges of the international buying community, acquiring ISO-9000/2000 version certification beyond 2005 is the need of the hour. He added this is not only essential for SMEs but for maintaining their supply chain as well. He requested the Unisame president to include ISO certification in his agenda presented to the government.
Mohammad Hussain Khandwalla requested the SGS to arrange for joint workshops with Unisame to emphasise the importance and urgent need of certification in rice, pulses, spices, dry fruits and also in the textiles and general merchandise sector. He requested the SGS to reduce time period and make its duration brief.
Zulfikar Thaver requested the certification manager to conduct training programmes for the benefit of SMEs and explain to them advantages of obtaining certification under different systems.
He requested the manager to simplify the process and also make it affordable for SMEs.-PR