The police raided a cinema house in Gujrat where a drama was being staged with artistes indulging in obscenity and vulgar dances and arrested 300 persons who were watching the show here late Friday night.
A spokesman of Punjab Police told APP on Saturday, DPO Gujrat, Raja Munawar Hussain had received information that some artistes, male and female, were performing obscene and vulgar dances and promoting immorality under the cover of a cultural show in the Sangeet cinema.
DPO Gujrat constituted a special team under the supervision of DSP City, Mehmoodul Hassan along with elite force and conducted a surprise raid at the cinema, where actresses of the stage drama "Mutiaran Sat Ranggian" were busy performing obscene and vulgar dances. Police arrested 300 persons who were watching the play.
Some female artistes were also taken in police custody. Action has being initiated against the cinema owner.