The health ministry has sought regularisation of Rs 0.505 million unauthorised expenditure incurred by the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims). Sources said expenditure of Rs 0.504 million was incurred by the 'Children Hospital,' Pims, without calling tender through press during 1999, 2000, 2001.
It is learnt that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) referred the case to its sub-committee for examination, which has recommended regularisation of the expenditure.
Sources said the Children Hospital at Pims in its reply stated that head of the department has full powers to purchase store items including drugs/medicines and submitted that the store items were procured to meet emergency.
However, the PAC was not satisfied with the argument, saying purchases were made without following proper procedure laid down by the government.
The items purchased during the period were Diathermy Forceps Olympus, Shedowle lights, bulbs, HVAC items, and O.T. light bulbs.