The share of top five stockbrokers in key stocks futures is in the range of 23 to 32 percent. This was stated in a research note made by Jahangir Siddiqui Capital Markets. In a recent development, broker-wise open interest position is made available for the investors by KSE on daily basis.
In this way, investors can get a rough idea of the exposure of top brokers in futures market.
Open interest reflects gross outstanding position on either side of transaction (buy or sell) in futures market by all participants. In simple words, the value purchased is always equal to the value sold, says the JS Research report.
As Friday's data was not provided by KSE, the analysis is based on Thursday's data. "While doing this analysis we have followed the same general assumption, as discussed above, to take only half of the brokers' exposure in the futures market to avoid double counting," writes JS Researcher.
Future Brokers'
scrips concentration Total open interest
Top Top Top (Rs bn)
1 2 3
PPL-AUG 9pc 21pc 30pc 1.81
PTC-AUG 5pc 15pc 23pc 1.60
OGDC-AUG 10pc 21pc 31pc 1.23
PSO-AUG 8pc 20pc 28pc 1.07
POL-AUG 9pc 23pc 32pc 0.77