The Karachi Port handled 94,129 tonnes of cargo including 79,019 tonnes import and 15,110 tonnes export cargo including 3,535 containers during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Wednesday.
The cargo comprised of 66,208 tonnes dry cargo including 43,528 tonnes general cargo; 3,633 tonnes sugar; 9,162 fertiliser; 7,833 tonnes scrap; 2,052 tonnes rock phosphate 000 tonnes bulk cargo and 27,921 tonnes oil/Liquid cargo.
Three ships namely Elver, Hanjin Busan and Monoxylion out to sea during the report period.
Four vessels viz Apl Jeddah, Jat Na Mu, Elbe Oldendroff and Bunga Delima are currently at the berths.
Five ships namely MT Swat, Thor Captain, Fareast Glory, Apl Jeddah and Bunga Delima expected to sail on Wednesday.
Seven vessels viz Ace 7, Bagi, Hyundai Sprinter, Global Progress, Y M Fourtune, Dong He and Phoros due to arrive on Wednesday, while eight ships namely Guang Hua Men, Kota Waris, Kota Tampan, Apl Orchid, Kuo Hung, Conti Esperance, Clio and Banglar Urmi are due to arrive on Thursday.