The BMA-PGBI yield witnessed a 35 pps decline and its value increased by 0.03% to close at 98.0892. Few tenors on the yield curve witnessed a 1 basis point decline on account of price checking in the market, but otherwise, very little activity took place.
Index Statistics 11-Aug-05 10-Aug-05 Change
BMA-PGBI (Index Value) 98.0892 98.0602 0.0290 (0.03%)
Principal Return (Index Value) 84.2253 84.2152 0.0101 (0.01%)
Interest Return % 16.46% 16.44% 0.0002 (0.12%)
Average Coupon % 10.4772 10.4773 -0.0001 (0.00%)
Average Maturity % 6.0083 6.0110 -0.0027 (-0.04%)
Average Yield % 9.1393 9.1428 -0.0035 (-0.04%)
Average Duration Value 4.1596 4.1620 -0.0024 (-0.06%)
Average Convexity Value 28.4378 28.4355 0.0023 (0.01%)